Detective Bureau
The Ocean Township Police Detective Bureau is comprised of highly trained quality personnel who carry out many specialized duties. Through the use of traditional investigative methods as well as the latest technological resources, Detectives primarily conduct investigations into all major crimes that are committed in Ocean Township.
In support of this primary investigative function, Detectives also develop and maintain criminal intelligence information and records of Registered Sex Offenders. In addition, Detectives frequently assist other area law enforcement agencies forming positive relationships that help lead toward the common goal of suppression of criminal activity in Ocean Township and surrounding communities.
The Detective Bureau falls under the Operations Division and is supervised by Detective Sergeant Andrew Risden. Currently, there are two other officers assigned to the Detective Bureau; Detective Jeremy Samuel and Detective Leanne Petracca.
Detective Bureau Operations and Responsibilities
Detectives conduct investigations dealing with all major crimes, often including:
- Sexual Assaults
- Aggravated Assaults
- Burglaries
- Robberies
- Thefts
- Bias Crimes
- Child Abuse Allegations
- Fire Investigations
- White Collar Crimes
- Missing Persons
- Computer-related Crimes
- Suspicious Deaths
- Illegal Narcotics Activity
Additionally, the Detective Sergeant is responsible for the review, oversight and management of all other criminal investigations. From this oversight, he can provide analysis of criminal activity and coordinate with the Patrol Division to respond to specific problems and crime trends that are observed.
Crime Scene Investigation
Detectives process all crime scenes for forensic evidence and photograph the scene for future reference in Court proceedings. In the course of an investigation, Detectives regularly prepare, apply for and execute subpoenas and search warrants to recover evidence. They also take video and audio taped interviews from victims, witnesses and suspects. Subject to immediate recall to duty, a member of the Detective Bureau is always available to respond within a short time period.
Background Investigations
Background investigations to determine the suitability for employment within the Police Department are also conducted by Detectives as well as any other additional special investigations as assigned by the Chief of Police.
Liquor Licensing Investigations
Detectives are responsible for background investigations of persons attempting to obtain or transfer liquor licenses to ensure that the applicant is qualified to be licensed according to New Jersey State Statutes. These investigations include background inquires, fingerprinting and obtaining documents and completed applications for final review by the Ocean Township Council. Members of the Detective Bureau maintain records for all licensed establishments with the Town and conduct inspections and enforcement to ensure conformity with Alcoholic Beverage Control regulations and Town Ordinances.
Monitoring of Sex Offenders
The Detective Bureau maintains records and identification information on all of the Megan’s Law registrants that reside within Ocean Township. The Detectives routinely perform checks on registrants to verify that their address of record is where they are actually residing and will investigate any violations of Megan’s Law.
For additional information please click here.
Evidence and Property Control
The Detective Bureau maintains control and safekeeping of all property and evidence. This includes items that are lost and found, recovered stolen property and items that are seized as evidence of a criminal offense. Detectives submit evidence to the Ocean County Sheriff’s Department and the New Jersey State Police laboratories for examination such as toxicology, presence of narcotics and DNA comparison. Latent fingerprints are submitted to the NJ State Police AFIS Unit for comparison. Evidence and property are disposed of in strict accordance with applicable NJ State Laws and Attorney General Guidelines.
Firearms Applications
The Detective Bureau conducts extensive background investigations for all firearms applications. Applications are accepted through the New Jersey State Police FARS system. These investigations include initial firearms identification cards, lost/stolen or address changes for firearms identification cards, and pistol permits. All firearm application background investigations are completed in a timely manner and in compliance with N.J.S. 2C:58-1 et seq.
For additional information please click link:
Contact Information for Detective Bureau:
Ocean Township Police Department
Criminal Investigations
Detective Bureau
50 Railroad Ave.
Waretown, NJ 08758
Main Number: 609-693-4007
Fax: 609-693-8392
Detective Sergeant Andrew Risden
Telephone: 609-693-4007 ext. 308
Detective Jeremy Samuel
Telephone: 609-693-4007 ext. 318
Detective Philip Calanni
Telephone: 609-693-4007 ext. 319
Anonymous Tips
Anonymous Tips can be reported online ( or by calling 609-693-4007. If a crime or other suspicious activity is happening right now, please call 911 or 609-693-4007.
The Ocean Township Police Department depends on your help to prevent crime and spot problems or violations in our community. You may have seen something or know about something that could help solve a major crime, save someone's life, or make your neighborhood a better place for everyone.
You can give us a confidential and anonymous tip about any kind of crime or suspicious activity that you or someone else saw. Please describe the location of the incident and any details you can provide about the person and the circumstances. We will follow up on all tips you provide.
Some examples are:
- Illegal activity on your street
- Description of suspicious person or vehicle that frequents the area
- Any state or local violations you have seen or suspect
- Activity or conditions you think may be illegal or dangerous
- Information about a crime you witnessed – hours, days or weeks ago
- Anything you may know about a crime we are currently investigating
- The location or identity of a crime suspect
- The location of a suspected wanted person
This system is completely confidential. Providing your name and phone number is optional. It is possible that the information you provide is the foundation for the closing of a criminal investigation, and further follow-up would be beneficial in the successful prosecution of the guilty party. If you chose, please leave your real name and the contact method of your preference. Thank you for your help and for helping others!