Virtual Court Registration
Virtual Court is at 9 a.m., 9:30 a.m., and 10:30 a.m. only.
9 a.m. virtual session is for people who are not represented by an attorney.
9:30 a.m. is for trials/those represented by an attorney.
10:30 a.m. is for those represented by the public defender.
- When April 1, 2025 - Register for virtual court.
- When May 20, 2025 - Register for virtual court.
- When June 3, 2025 - Register for virtual court.
- When July 15, 2025 - Register for virtual court.
**After registering, you will receive a confirmation email directly from Zoom, on behalf of the court administrator, containing information about joining verify registration has been made and we can send a duplicate link.**
By joining the virtual session, you are certifying that you have watched the opening remarks.
Please note of you watch the opening remarks on the day of court you must still register for the appropriate date and click on the link sent to you by Zoom, it does NOT automatically take you into the court session.
Virtual Court Session:
- When you register for a session, you will be given a personalized link. Please do not share the link with another person or that person will join under your name. EACH PERSON MUST REGISTER THEMSELVES unless you are sharing a device.
Before Your Court Date:
- You will receive an email asking you to register for the session. The email will be sent to you at 1east a week before the court date.
◦ If no email is provided, you may go to zoom and register with the Meeting ID and Password on your notice.
- If you do not already have zoom downloaded to your smartphone, PC, laptop, or tablet, please do so prior to your court date. This will avoid any delays on the day of court.
Day of Court:
- Log onto the court session at least 30 minutes prior to your scheduled time. This will allow you the opportunity to resolve any technical issues. Remember to click YES when you get·a message from your device asking for permission to access camera and microphone.
- If you need assistance, you may call the court at 609-693-3332 x 500 or 501. There is NO need to call the Ocean Police Department or any other department in the Township of Ocean Municipal Complex.
- Please be in a quiet room to avoid background noise, as well as making sure you are in an area with a strong connection. If possible, you may use earphones to avoid any feedback. Dress appropriately! No driving, no eating, no smoking!
- Upon entering the virtual court session you will be put in a waiting room and will remain in the waiting room until court staff lets you into the session.
- After you are admitted into the main room, your microphone must be muted unless your name is called.
◦ When the Judge takes the bench you MUST be muted unless your name is called.
- You will be put into a breakout room for the prosecutor to join the room to discuss your case privately. No one else will be in the room with you, so no one will hear your conversation. NOTE: The prosecutor will be speaking to everyone scheduled for court, so there will be a wait. When you are done speaking, they will instruct you to leave the breakout room NOT the meeting.
- When the Judge calls your case, you MUST unmute your microphone and turn on your camera.
- Upon completion of your case the Judge will excuse you. Your microphone must once again be muted at which point you may leave the session/meeting.
After Court:
- Within two business days (Thursday) you must report to the Violations window to discuss/make arrangements for your payments. It is mandatory that those with forms MUST report no later than that immediate Friday.
- Payments in full may be paid on NJMCDIRECT.COM, or at the Violations Bureau window via cash, check, or money order.
◦ You must have your ticket or complaint number with you.
If there are any questions, please contact the Municipal Court office.