Police Department
On behalf of the men and women that serve with the Ocean Township Police Department I want to thank you for taking the time to review the department’s website. Hopefully this website will provide you with some insight into the wonderful work our employees do each day.
As all of you are aware, collaborative partnerships are the cornerstone of success for any community. These valued partnerships have greatly assisted us in meeting many of our organizational goals. This agency is not only successful in strengthening these relationship, but also fortunate enough to forge new ones on a daily basis.
Policing in the 21st century demands that we increase positive citizen interactions to build trust in the department and illustrate the legitimacy of our mission. Our officers embraced this philosophy enthusiastically through contacts within the community. Simultaneously we engage our community through technology and increased our social media presence exponentially. The results speak for themselves. We have nurtured a culture that embraced the tenants of 21st century policing. Our community is engaging with us in many constructive ways and the components necessary for mutual respect and public safety are growing every day in the Township of Ocean.
The successes of our department has resulted directly from the efforts of our officers and civilian employees. It goes without saying that devoid of the professionalism, dedication and self-sacrifice of our employees the growth and success of our department would not be possible. We are comprised of intelligent, ethical and compassionate men and women that hold dear the principle of service. They come to work each and every day giving all they have and knowing that at any time they may make the ultimate sacrifice for someone else. It is this selflessness and loyalty that forms the basis of the service we provide.
As we move forward, our expectations are high. We are navigating through challenges that are more complex that we in law enforcement have ever faced before. It has never been more important for us to perform our duties and fulfill our oaths with the utmost of professionalism, integrity and compassion. It has been and continues to be our honor to serve the residents and visitors of the Township of Ocean.
Chief Michal J. Rogalski
Mission Statement
The mission of the Ocean Township Police Department is to provide effective and efficient police services, through a partnership with the community, to prevent and deter crime as well as reduce the fear of the crime, protect property along with individual rights, and improve traffic safety through education and enforcement.
Core Values
We, the members of the Ocean Township Police Department, are committed to providing quality service to the community. We believe each one of us makes the difference between a good organization and an excellent one, and agree upon the following organizational values:
INTEGRITY - We are committed to maintaining the trust of our community through honest, moral, and ethical behavior that is above reproach.
RESPECT - We are dedicated to being objective, fair, consistent and compassionate in the treatment of our community and fellow employees in all of our actions.
PROFESSIONALISM - In partnership with the community, we strive to provide responsive, effective and quality service through teamwork, problem solving, and personal accountability.
Vision Statement
The Ocean Township Police Department is staffed with the finest men and women in the United States. We will provide a level of service, which is second to none. We will deliver a progressive and cost effective law enforcement service as well as identifying and meeting the challenges of our increasingly diverse community. We will continue to seek input from our citizens and employees in hopes of improving the lives of our township residents and visitors. To achieve this vision, the Ocean Township Police Department is dedicated to sustaining a quality and equitable work environment that is based on merit, and developing its members through effective training and leadership.